RpRestClient 1.0.4

Http RP RestClient for BOXwise offline scanner.

No packages depend on RpRestClient.

1.0.0 - Initial release 1.0.1 - Serializable fixed, Newtonsoft version bumped 1.0.3 - Added api to update expire date 1.0.4 - Updated to new api spec

.NET Framework 4.5

Version Downloads Last updated
2.0.0 64 07/05/2023
1.0.5 43 07/05/2023
1.0.4 43 07/05/2023
1.0.3 45 07/05/2023
1.0.2 47 07/05/2023
1.0.1 44 07/05/2023
1.0.0 45 07/05/2023